Board & Research Management Committee
How we are organized
Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (S.C. 2009, c. 23).
As part of the Network of Centres of Excellence Program (NCE Program), the Board of Directors, which is elected by the members of the corporation, is responsible for the governance of the Network and acts in accordance with the corporate bylaws, NCE Program funding agreement, and NCE Program Guide. Board membership reflects the interests and concerns of the public, private, and academic sectors involved in the Network and have a varied skill set to meet the leadership needs of the Board.
To guide, manage, and monitor its research and other programs, the CFN Board of Directors relies on its Research Management Committee (RMC). Committee membership reflects the multisectoral and multidisciplinary nature of CFN’s research and other programs.