Lisa Burry

 Burry Lisa

Lisa Burry, BScPharm, PharmD

Mount Sinai Hospital

Principal Investigator:

2013 Knowledge Synthesis Grant — Antipsychotics for management of delirium – A systematic review (KS 2013-10)

Lisa Burry is a Clinical Scientist and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Toronto. She peer-reviews for multiple journals including the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), Critical Care Medicine, CHEST Journal, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, and many others. Ms. Burry is currently Chair of the Emergency and Trauma Medicine Editorial Board, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, and a board member of Intensive Care Medicine. Additionally, she is a clinical preceptor to numerous BSc, MSc, Doctor of Pharmacy students and pharmacy residents each year. Her research interests relate to patient and drug safety – in particular sedation, neuromuscular blockade, delirium and pain.