Michelle Grinman

Grinman Michelle 

Michelle Grinman, MD, FRCPC, MPH

University of Calgary

Principal Investigator:

2015 Catalyst Grant Program — Anticipatory Long-term care Electronic Resident Triage Tool (ALERT) for Canadian Long-Term Care Homes (CAT 2015-40)

Dr. Michelle Grinman is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Section of General Internal Medicine at the University of Calgary and a General Internal Medicine Specialist with Alberta Health Services.  She is also the Clinical Knowledge Lead for the Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network in Alberta. She has worked in both Toronto and Calgary on developing integrated healthcare delivery models of care for vulnerable elders and medically complex patients. She completed her MD from the University of Calgary, residency from the University of Alberta and a General Internal Medicine Fellowship at the University of Toronto. She has also completed a Master of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and a certificate in Quality Improvement from IDEAS in Ontario.