Henry Stelfox
Henry (Tom) Stelfox, BMSc, MD, PhD
University of Calgary |
Member: Scientific Review Committee
Principal Investigator:
2017 Knowledge Translation Grant — Improving ICU-to-Ward Transfers of Care: Evaluation of a KT Tool Kit and ICU Transfer Tool (KT2017-15)
2015 Catalyst Grant Program — Reengineering the Discharge of Elderly Patients from Intensive Care: Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a Tool Kit (CAT 2015-06)
2015 Implementation Grant — Province-Wide Implementation of the Clinical Frailty Scale in an Electronic Medical Record System (eCritical) in Alberta (FRA 2015-B-20)
2013 Core Research Program Grant — Reengineering the Discharge of Elderly Patients from Intensive Care (CORE 2013-12)
Henry (Tom) Stelfox is an Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Medicine and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary, and the Scientific Director of Alberta Health Services Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network. He received his PhD in health care policy from Harvard University and his MD from the University of Alberta, and completed his internal medicine residence at the University of Toronto and a critical care fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. His research program focuses on the application of health services research methods to evaluate and improve the quality of health care delivery to critically ill patients. His research activities include developing quality indicators in trauma care; developing strategies to improve continuity of patient care across the care continuum; and improving the translation of scientific evidence into clinical practice.