All of Canada needs to benefit from Canada’s best frailty innovations
The FRAILTY MATTERS: Innovation Showcase held at the 2018 Canadian Frailty Network national conference was the first-ever national innovation showcase in Canada dedicated to frailty in older adults.
Canada is a nation of 13 healthcare systems and great local/regional innovations in these systems all-too-often don’t get shared on a national stage. CFN created the FRAILTY MATTERS Innovation Showcase to put the spotlight on Canada’s best and identify new approaches that can be scaled up so that all Canadians can benefit.
From the 80 entries, the Top 30 exhibited storyboards at the Conference, and the Top 5 presented their innovations from the stage. The 2018 Frailty Innovation of the Year was named from the Top 5.
2018 Frailty Innovation of the Year
An Edmonton-based community program designed to transform primary care into a central hub has been selected as the best innovation of 2018 from 80 entries from every region in Canada.
The Seniors’ Community Hub (SCH) was co-created by Dr. Marjan Abbasi (project lead) and Dr. Sheny Khera to better meet the dynamic health and social needs of older adults with frailty and their family/friend caregivers
The objectives of the Seniors’ Community Hub (SCH) are to: maintain and enhance seniors’ health and wellness; build integrated primary health care that is centered on the goals and priorities of older adults; develop effective information sharing between patients, care providers and settings; provide community-based support to family/friend caregivers to prevent or alleviate caregiver burden; and foster long-term sustainability in the primary care setting.

To learn more about the SCH and view the storyboard presented at the Showcase, click here.
Conference Choice Frailty Innovation
Attendees at the Conference also had an opportunity vote for the “Conference Choice” after viewing the Top 30 innovation storyboards.
A Prince Edward Island based patient and family centred integrated care program, the COACH Program, was selected by attendees as the “Conference Choice.”
With the older adult living with frailty and their family at the center, the COACH program is delivered by an integrated interdisciplinary expert team of health professionals led by a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner. The team collaborates with existing resources in partner programs; Home Care, Primary Care and Geriatrics, and also includes the client’s Primary Care Physician and a Care Coordinator.

To learn more about the COACH Program and view the storyboard presented at the Showcase, click here.
The other “Top Five” Frailty Innovations for Older Adults
(listed in no particular order)
- Fraser Health Authority (B.C.) — CARES: Early Frailty Identification and Prevention Strategy
- Hamilton Health Sciences (Ontario) — Hospital Without Walls: Bridging the Gap in Health Disparities for Adults Living with Frailty
- Centre for Family Medicine Family Health Team (Ontario) — C5-75: Case-finding for Complex Chronic Conditions in persons 75+

Want more? Click here to read about all of the Top 30 Innovations exhibiting at the Showcase and the CFN National Conference on Frailty.