About the FRAILTY MATTERS Innovation Showcase

The FRAILTY MATTERS Innovation Showcase national competition attracted submissions from citizen-led initiatives, community volunteer programs, service provision, delivery, training in all settings of care (home residential/long term facilities, acute, primary and palliative), policies and practices, and determinants of health influencing frailty.

The review process determined which initiatives could have the greatest impact in addressing frailty, the potential to scale up and spread to other regions and jurisdictions, and potential to impact policy and practice. Initiatives appearing at the Showcase could become a focal point for projects/initiatives with CFN and its network of partners across Canada.

CFN recruited a panel of leading experts to review submissions from the FRAILTY MATTERS competition:

Carlota Basualdo-Hammond — Executive Director, Nutrition Services — Provincial Strategy, Alberta Health Services

Angus Campbell — Executive Director, Caregivers Nova Scotia

Debbie DeLancey — former Deputy Minister, Health and Social Services, Government of NWT

Flora M. Dell, C.M., O.N.B., gerontologist, citizen advocate/volunteer

Jean Gray — Professor Emeritus, Medical Education, Medicine and Pharmacology, Dalhousie University

Fred Horne — former Minister of Health, Province of Alberta

Yves Joanette – Scientific Director, Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Aging

Isobel Mackenzie – Seniors Advocate, Province of British Columbia

Wanda Morris – Vice President of Advocacy and COO, Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)

Christine Quinn – Director of Programs, Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement

Joyce Resin, Public Engagement Consultant

Stephen Samis, Deputy Minister, Health and Social Services, Government of Yukon

Shirlee Sharkey – CEO, Saint Elizabeth Health

Chris Simpson – Acting Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University; past-president, Canadian Medical Association (CMA)

Duncan Sinclair – former Vice-Principal Health Sciences; Fellow in School of Public Studies, Queen’s University

Stephen Vail — Director of Policy, Canadian Medical Association

Hazel Wilson — Citizen/Advocate, Patient Partners in Arthritis member


Frailty Innovation Showcase Sponsors