5 Minutes on Frailty-Frailty and Nutrition
In Their Own Words–Frailty, A Conversation with Sandy Buchman and his parents Murray and Faygie Buchman.
In Their Own Words–Family Caregiving, A Conversation with Sandy Buchman and his parents Murray and Faygie Buchman.
In Their Own Words–Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Conversations, A Conversation with Sandy Buchman and his parents Murray and Faygie Buchman.
Dr. Kenneth Rockwood to joined Stuart McNish for a Conversation That Matters about changing what we know about frailty and how we treat it.
Perspectives on aging and frailty health with Dr. Duncan Sinclair
Nav-CARE project with Drs Barbara Peset and Wendy Duggleby
Nutrition is crucial for older adults
2018 CFN Innovation Showcase “Conference Choice” Winner:
COACH Program (Caring for Older Adults in Community and at Home)
CFN funded investigator Colleen Maxwell talks about impacts of
frailty and caregiver distress as part of ICES’ research video series
Barb Pesut – 2018 Researcher of the Year (Health)
International Federation on Ageing: Addressing Barriers to Adult Vaccination