
AGE-WELL and Canadian Frailty Network announce award for outstanding early career cancer researcher
Dr. Jae-Yung Kwon, whose work aims to improve quality of life for older cancer patients living with frailty, is the recipient of an early career researcher award from AGE-WELL and Canadian Frailty Network (CFN). The grant will support Dr. Kwon, an assistant professor in the University of Victoria’s School of Nursing, to lead a pilot…

Reimagining Seniors’ Care: Dr. John Muscedere joins OLTCA’s Coming of Age Podcast
In early October, CFN’s Scientific Director, Dr. John Muscedere, and AGE-WELL’s Scientific Director, Dr. Alex Mihailidis, joined Donna Duncan, CEO of the Ontario Long Term Care Association (OLTCA), on the Association’s Coming of Age podcast. Drs. Muscedere and Mihailidis joined Donna as experts on aging for a discussion on reimagining seniors’ care. Episode description: As Ontario’s population of…

2022 KFL&A Regional Centre for Healthy Aging Ancillary Studies Competition
PLEASE NOTE: 2022 KFL&A Regional Centre for Healthy Aging Ancillary Studies Competition is now closed to new applicants The Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is looking to fund high-quality research, knowledge translation and implementation of innovation in practice studies on healthy aging carried out in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (KFL&A) region. This competition is…

Op-Ed: Canada is getting older — why not make our communities wiser?
In this recent op-ed, CFN’s Scientific Director, Dr. John Muscedere, and AGE-WELL’s Scientific Director, Dr. Alex Mihailidis, share their perspective on the recently released 2021 census data. They emphasize the importance of aging wisely and explore how Canada might do that. — The recently released 2021 census data reveals Canada’s population is not just aging,…

Meet the future of frailty care! Summer Student Awards 2022
Every year, CFN invests in the training of students to ensure the future of frailty care is bright! It’s a crucial part of our mandate to develop the next generation of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) – the scientists, teachers, clinicians, and health and social services professionals that will improve care for older adults living with…

2022 Springboard Grants Program – Early Career Researcher Competition
Please note: the Early Career Researchers (ECR) Competition is now CLOSED Changes to the Sepsis Canada/CFN Early Career Researcher Funding Stream! Please note that this funding stream will consider funding of the intersection of rehabilitation, sepsis and frailty and can include observational studies on this population, surveys, health services research, knowledge synthesis, or innovative approaches…

Call for Proposals for CFN & NBHRF’s May Event Now Open
The Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) and the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) are pleased to announce their partnership on a one-of-a-kind national event opportunity coming to New Brunswick: Showcase of Research and Implementation to Improve the Lives of Older Adults! Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Location: Delta Fredericton Hotel (in-person) OR online (virtual) OR both Cost: FREE! This event is for anyone…

HSO launches public review on draft National Long-Term Care Services Standard
On January 27, Health Standards Organization (HSO) launched its public review phase for the draft National Long-Term Care Services Standard being developed by its Long-Term Care (LTC) Services Standard Technical Committee. Based on research, clinical and technical expertise, input from committee members with lived experience, and extensive public consultation, the draft standard will provide all LTC…

CFN Board Member, Dr. Sharon Straus, appointed to the Order of Canada
CFN Board member, Dr. Sharon Straus, was recently appointed to the Order of Canada, one of Canada’s highest honours. The Order of Canada recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community, and service to the nation. The appointment was announced by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, in late December 2021….

CFN Principal Investigator, Dr. Kenneth Rockwood, wins 2021 Ryman Prize
CFN Principal Investigator, Dr. Kenneth Rockwood, was recently awarded the 2021 Ryman Prize, a prestigious international award worth $250,000 that recognizes the best global work focused on quality of life for older adults. The award was presented by the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, in a virtual ceremony. A leading authority…