Position Papers, Briefs and Proceedings

Position Papers and Briefs

Frailty and Ageing: Canadian challenges and lessons learned in Denmark–Longwoods, October 5, 2018

Time to Address “Frailty Creepage” in the Canadian Healthcare System. Supplement to The Journal of Frailty and Aging, Vol 7, Number 4, 2018.

We Can’t Address What We Don’t Measure Consistently: Building Consensus on Frailty in Canada — National Institute on Aging/Canadian Frailty Network, 2018

A National Seniors Strategy needs to account for complexity in the aging process – article by Russell Williams, CFN Board Chair, in May 2018 issue of Policy magazine

Ensuring a more equitable healthcare system: addressing the needs of Canada’s frail elderly — CFN 2017 Federal Pre-Budget Submission

Screening for Frailty in Canada’s Health Care System: A Time for Action. Canadian Journal on Aging. 2016 Sept; 35(3):281-297. doi: 10.1017/S0714980816000301. Epub 2016 May 23.


Proceedings and Reports

Aging Well-September 2020

A Canadian perspective on pneumonia vaccination among at-risk groups: Increasing relevance in a pandemic era–Expert Meeting Report– October 20, 2020; Consensus Statement

Proceedings of the CFN Summit: Medication Optimization for Frail Older Canadians – Toronto, April 24, 2017 – Canadian Geriatrics Journal (Vol. 20, Issue 4; December 2017)

Proceedings of the World Café Session at CFN Giving Voice to Frail Elderly Canadians Citizen Engagement Initiative – Toronto, September 27, 2015