CFN Directors Elected

September 14, 2017

Canadian Frailty Network is pleased to announce the election of three prominent Canadians to our Board of Directors at the CFN Annual General Meeting on September 14, 2017, as well as the re-election of three Directors.


Campbell Angus

Angus Campbell, Executive Director, Caregivers Nova Scotia

Angus joins our Board as a Citizen/Caregiver member. Angus is very involved within his community, where he sits on a number of provincial boards and committees dealing with palliative care, aging, and mental health as they relate to older adults. He provides citizen input on various research projects, and is called upon frequently to speak with a citizen/caregiver perspective.


Delancey Deborah

Debbie DeLancey, Deputy Minister, Health and Social Services, NWT Government

Debbie has served in a number of senior management positions during her more than 20 years’ experience with the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), Prior to that, Debbie worked with the Dene Nation, with the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, and with the Fort Good Hope Community Council on a variety of projects. She also currently sits on the Board of CFHI (Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement).

 Sharkey Shirley

Shirlee Sharkey, President and Chief Executive Officer, Saint Elizabeth

Saint Elizabeth is one of Canada’s largest social enterprises and a not-for-profit charity, employing more than 9,000 staff and delivering more than six million healthcare visits annually, and Shirlee has headed the organization since 1992. She lectures frequently at the University of Toronto, and is an in-demand speaker. She is a member of numerous Councils, Boards and organizations, and her dedication to the community we serve has been widely recognized.


Board members David Crane (citizen), John Fisher, Brian Gray, Tom Noseworthy and Deborah Thorlakson were re-elected to the Board at the AGM. Click here for more information on all of our Board members.