Federal government pledges $6.0 billion over 10 years to support better home care access: CIHI report

March 13, 2019

From the report:

As Canada’s population ages and chronic disease rates increase, Canadians need access to more health care services outside the traditional settings such as physicians’ offices and hospitals. Across Canada, all jurisdictions are putting in place new approaches to enhance access to vital health care and support services at home and in the community, and reduce reliance on more expensive hospital infrastructure.

Over the next ten years, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Health Ministers will work together to improve access to appropriate services and supports in home and community, including palliative and end-of-life care, by pursuing one or more of the following actions:

  • Spreading and scaling evidence-based
    models of home and community care that
    are more integrated and connected with
    primary health care;
  • Enhancing access to palliative and end
    of life care at home or in hospices;
  • Increasing support for caregivers; and
  • Enhancing home care infrastructure, such
    as digital connectivity, remote monitoring
    technology and facilities for community based service delivery.

To assist with improving access to appropriate home and community care, the federal government will provide Provincial and Territorial governments with $6.0 billion over 10 years, starting with $200 million in 2017/18.

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