FOCUS Ranking Round Now Open!
Earlier this year, participants completed the third round of the Canadian Frailty Network’s FOCUS (Frailty Outcomes Consensus) Project. Following three rounds of voting with an aim to reach consensus on a core set of data elements and outcomes, a number of data elements and outcomes met consensus criteria across all three stakeholder groups. In order to narrow the core set further to a number of data elements and outcomes which one could reasonably expect to be measured in research studies, we are asking participants to complete a final ranking process to identify the top 2 data elements and outcomes within each category.
This shortened, final ranking round is available to participants from the previous rounds for completion at
If you currently have a forum account, please log in as usual and you will find the survey labelled as “FOCUS Delphi Study” under the ‘My Surveys’ tab.
If you currently do not have a forum account, please create an account by entering your first name and last name as shown in the box below and click “Email new password”. Once you create your account, you will be able to log in and see “FOCUS Delphi Study” under the ‘My Surveys’ tab.

We very much appreciate participants’ involvement in the Canadian Frailty Network’s FOCUS Project to date and continued participation in this final ranking round.
The final round of the FOCUS Project will close on November 25, 2020.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeanette Prorok (