November 13 is Kindness Day

November 9, 2020

The Ontario Caregiver Organization supports Ontario’s 3.3 million caregivers. Caregivers may not always reach out for support, and many feel that while family and friends ask about how their care recipient is doing, they don’t always think to ask how the caregiver themselves is doing. Caregivers have shared with us that a simple gesture, such as a phone call asking them how they’re doing, can make a big difference in their day. That’s why for Kindness Day, we’re inviting everyone to call a caregiver they know just to check in and let them know they care.

OCO’s social media accounts:

Facebook: CaregiverON

Twitter: CaregiverON

Instagram: ontariocaregiver



Facebook event – English

Facebook event – French

OCO landing page – English

OCO landing page – French