Opportunities for Network participants

December 7, 2017

Poster and Abstract Deadlines

December 21, 2017: Canadian Nurses Association Biennial Conference.

January 15, 2018: BC Care Providers 41st Annual Conference.

January 31, 2018: Choosing Widely Canada 3rd Annual National Conference

February 9, 2018. Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference .

February 15, 2018: Family Medicine Forum.


Call for Papers

Canadian Journal on Aging special issue: Issues of Aging in Indigenous Populations. Deadline: December 29, 2017. Submission details:  http://www.ohpe.ca/node/18717

The Lancet special issue: Women in Science, Medicine, and Global Health. Deadline: March 1, 2018. Click here for submission details.


Funding Opportunities

CIFAR Global Call for Ideas: Research leaders from around the world are invited to identify important research challenges for new programs that address global, complex questions and identify an interdisciplinary research approach. Ideas must be novel, bold, and potentially transformative to warrant the creation of a sustained, interdisciplinary, and collaborative research program. Proposals will be accepted from all areas of research. Letters of intent are due January 21, 2018. Details: https://www.cifar.ca/assets/cifar-global-call-for-ideas/

CIHR Institute of Aging Competitions:

Trainee Opportunities

CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) 2018 Health System Impact Fellowships: The Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship provides highly-qualified doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows in health services and policy research or related fields a unique opportunity to apply their research and analytic talents to critical challenges in healthcare being addressed by health system and related organizations (e.g., public, private for-profit, not-for-profit, and Indigenous health organizations) outside of the traditional scholarly setting, and to develop professional experience, new skills, and networks. Click here for details.

SAVE THE DATE: CIHR Institute in Aging Summer Program in Aging: The 12th iteration of this unique, interactive training program will run from May 28 – June 1, 2018 in Harrison Hot Springs, BC. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows working in, or interested in learning about, research related to the area of eHealth and aging are encouraged to apply. The program will be launched in December 2017 on the CIHR ResearchNet.Mitacs Opportunities

MITACS Interns wanted: Proposed projects that have yet to be funded are referred to as “open projects.” If you are interested in participating as an intern for an open project, visit the Mitacs website posting