CFN Research & KT Funding Opportunities

Current Competitions

KFL&A Regional Centre for Healthy Aging Ancillary Studies Competition

Competition closed to new applicants

The Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is looking to fund high-quality research, knowledge translation and implementation of innovation in practice studies on healthy aging carried out in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (KFL&A) region. This competition is designed to support ancillary studies on older adults aged 65y+ residing in the KFL&A region who are participants in CFN’s AVOID Frailty Program via the KFL&A Centre for Healthy Aging.

Full competition details.

Results of recent competitions

Catalyst Funding Program in Healthy Aging 

Healthy Aging Canada, a new innovative collaborative initiative between AGE-WELL and CFN, sought to fund high-quality projects through the 2023 Catalyst Funding Program in Healthy Aging. This competition supported innovative one-year research projects focused on technology-enabled solutions or novel technologies that support healthy aging across the older adult life course, through to end of life.

Details of the successful projects and the competition.

AVOID Frailty Regional Centres for Healthy Aging (RCHA) Grants Competition

Three Regional Centres for Healthy Aging (RCHA) were funded under this competition that aimed to spread the implementation of CFN’s AVOID Frailty Program for Healthy Aging. The program is a community-driven health intervention that aims to enable uptake and maintenance of healthy behaviours among older adults. The selected RCHAs will spread the AVOID Frailty Program for Healthy Aging by engaging and empowering community members and organizations.

Details of the successful projects and the competition.

Springboard Grants Program – Early Career Researcher Competition

Eight projects were funded under this competition that aimed to help early career researchers (ECRs) in Canada build skills, knowledge and allow them to develop early stage research programs such that they are competitive for future larger funding competitions. One project was co-funded with each of three partners, AGE-WELL, Perley Health and Sepsis Canada, and five were funded solely through CFN.

Details of the successful projects and the competition.

Frailty and COVID-19

Three projects were funded under this competition that aimed to investigate the interaction between frailty and COVID-19. Older adults living with frailty are the most vulnerable to COVID-19. As a result, CFN looked for health, social or policy research studies that investigated determinants of increased susceptibility, and solutions to mitigate or prevent the differential risk to COVID-19.

Details of the successful projects and the competition.


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