Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
KFL&A Regional Centre for Healthy Aging Ancillary Studies Competition
Administrative Questions:
You cannot add additional Principal Investigators or Co-Investigators once the LOI deadline has passed. You can remove team members if necessary.
The Application Form will be available as a PDF for information purposes within approximately one week from competition launch. The Full Application will need to be completed online using CFN’s Forum website.
Post doctoral fellows are not eligible unless they can demonstrate that they will start a new faculty position as an assistant professor (or equivalent before funding would start.
An investigator can only submit one application to this competition as the Project Leader. An investigator can be named as a team member on more than one proposal. We do not specify an upper limit.
Indirect costs are not eligible expenses, as the successful applicant/university will get reimbursed for indirect costs like they do with their Tri-council awards (CFN is a NCE which is funded by the Tri-council).
KFL&A Regional Centres for Healthy Aging & AVOID Frailty Questions:
Yes, please click here for more information on different aspects of the Centre.
Please click here for additional information on AVOID Frailty.