Completed projects

End-of-Life Care (EOL)/Advance Care Planning (ACP)

Integrating a quality of life assessment and practice support system in palliative home care (CAT 2014-17) — Richard Sawatzky, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN — Trinity Western University

Pilot study of an automated one-year mortality prediction tool to trigger Advance Care Planning (CAT 2015-16) — James Downar, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC — University Health Network

Talk to me: seriously ill patients’ views on physician behaviours that influence the quality of end-of-life communication (CORE 2012-03) — John You, MD, MSc, FRCPC — McMaster University

iGAP: Improving General practice Advance care Planning (CORE 2013-13) — Michelle Howard, PhD, MSc — McMaster University

Improving DECIsion-making about goals of care for hospitalized elDerly patiEnts: a “multi-incubator” study (iDECIDE) (CORE 2013-30) — John You, MD, MSc, FRCPC — McMaster University

Helping the primary care system identify, plan, and care for seriously ill, frail elderly (SIG 2014F-09) — Robin Urquhart, PhD — Dalhousie University

Improving Palliative Care in Long-Term Care Homes Using Participatory Action Research (SIG 2014-IS) — Sharon Kaasalainen, PhD, RN — McMaster University

DECision-making about goals of care for hospitalized medical patiEnts II: a COMMUNICATion intErvention (DECIDE II COMMUNICATE) — Patient Data Collection and Feedback Pilot
(CAT 2013-18) — James Downar, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC — University Health Network

Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community and Care Among LGBT Older Adults (CAT 2013-21) — Brian de Vries, PhD — Simon Fraser University

Optimizing Palliative Care in Nunavik’s Communities (CAT 2015-03) — Serge Dumont, PhD — Université Laval

Integrated Approach to Palliative Care in Acute Care (iPAC-AC) (CAT 2015-32) — Kelli Stajduhar, PhD, MSN, BN, RN — University of Victoria

Mixed Methods feasibility study of group peer support interventions to engage the public in ACP (CAT 2015-39) — Doris Barwich, MD, CCFP — University of British Columbia

A National Comparison of Intensity of End-of-Life Care in Canada: Defining Changing Patterns, Risk Factors and Targets for Intervention (CORE 2012-12) — Robert Fowler, MD, MSc — Sunnybrook Research Institute

A Knowledge Translation Project on Benchmark End-of-Life Care Practices for the Elderly in Primary Care (CORE 2012-13) — Francis Lau, PhD, MBA, MSc — University of Victoria

Sex differences in admission to intensive care units: the role of social support factors (CORE 2012-19) — Allan Garland, MD, MA, BSc — University of Manitoba

Web-Based Videoconferencing (WBVC) for Rural Palliative Care Consultation in the Home (HTIG 2014-10) — Linda Read Paul, RN, MN, CHPCN(C) — University of Calgary

Systematic scoping review and meta analysis of end-of-life decision making tools and strategies (KS 2014-06) — John You, MD, MSc, FRCPC — McMaster University

Acute/Critical Care

Nutrition care pathway for hospitalized older adults: content validation and feasibility testing (CAT 2013-28) — Heather Keller, PhD, RD, FDC — University of Waterloo

Integrating quality of life assessments into acute care for older adults with chronic life-limiting illness (CAT 2013-51) — Richard Sawatzky, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN — Trinity Western University

E-CYCLE: A pilot randomized clinical trial of early in-bed cycling in elderly, mechanically ventilated patients (CAT 2014-06) — Michelle Kho, PT, PhD — McMaster University

A pilot study of a MEdication RAtionalization (MERA) Intervention (CAT 2014-29) — James Downar, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC — University Health Network

Reducing post-discharge potentially inappropriate medications amongst the elderly: a multi-centre electronic deprescribing intervention (CAT 2015-TG2) — Todd Campbell Lee, MD, MPH, FRCPC — McGill University Health Centre

Probiotics: Prevention of Severe Pneumonia and Endotracheal Colonization Trial (PROSPECT): A Feasibility Pilot Trial (CORE 2012-14) — Deborah Cook, MD, MSc (Epid), FRCPC, DABIM, CCM, CRC, CAHS, FRS  — McMaster University

Reengineering the Discharge of Elderly Patients from Intensive Care (CORE 2013-12) — Henry Stelfox, BMSc, MD, PhD — University of Calgary

A scoping review of evidence for measuring frailty in pre-hospital and hospital settings (FRA 2015-A-08) —Olga Theou, PhD — Nova Scotia Health Authority

Frailty Assessment of Older Canadians Using Emergency Services with Tablet Technology (FRA 2015-B-09) —

Jacques Lee, MD, MSc, FRCPC — Sunnybrook Research Institute

The essential frailty toolset (FRA 2015-B-11) — Jonathan Afilalo, MD, MSc, FACC, FRCPC — Jewish General Hospital

Province-Wide Implementation of the Clinical Frailty Scale in an Electronic Medical Record System (eCritical) in Alberta (FRA 2015-B-20) — Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc, FRCPC  — University of Alberta

Patient- and family-reported experience and outcome measures for elderly acute care patients: A knowledge synthesis (KS 2013-09) — Richard Sawatzky, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN — Trinity Western University

Antipsychotics for management of delirium – A systematic review (KS 2013-10) — Lisa Burry, BScPharm, PharmD — Mount Sinai Hospital

More-2-Eat: Nutrition care pathway and optimized protein supplementation for malnourished elderly patients (SIG 2014F-08) — Heather Keller, PhD, RD, FDC — University of Waterloo/Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging

Care of frail, acutely ill older persons: Making health care work like a system (SIG 2014F-31) — Paul Hébert, MD — Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)

Exploring the preferences of frail elderly Canadians for aspects of inpatient care: A best-worst scaling experiment (CAT 2015-36) — Nick Bansback, PhD — University of British Columbia

Screening Elderly patieNts for InclusiOn in a weaning tRial: The SENIOR trial (CAT 2013-45) — Karen Burns, MD, MSc, FRCPC — St. Michael’s Hospital/University of Toronto

Evaluation of a context‐adapted wiki‐based decision aid supporting critically ill patients’ decisions about life‐sustaining therapies (CAT 2015-35) — Patrick Michel Archambault, MD, MSc, FRCPC — Université Laval

Practices in End of Life Care and in Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation in Elderly Critically Ill Patients: A Nested Study within an International Observational Study (CORE 2012-11) — Karen Burns, MD, MSc, FRCPC — St. Michael’s Hospital/University of Toronto

OPTIMAL Selection for and Timing to Start Renal Replacement in Critically Ill Older Patients with Acute Kidney Injury (OPTIMAL-AKI) (CORE 2012-15) — Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc, FRCPC — University of Alberta

Identifying older patients at high risk of poor outcomes after joint replacement surgery (FRA 2015-B-06) —

Daniel McIsaac, MD, MPH, FRCPC — Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

New Approaches to Evaluating Frailty in Solid Organ Transplantation (FRA 2015-B-13) — Lianne Singer, MD, FRCPC — University Health Network

Acute-Care Frailty Ladder (FRA 2015-B-16) — Nancy Mayo, BSc, MSc, PhD — The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre

Cardiac Surgery among the Frail and Elderly Towards Optimal Decision Making (FRA 2015-B-22) — Greg Hirsch, MD — Nova Scotia Health Authority

Assessing Quality of Life (QoL) Measures for Elderly Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Survivors: A Systematic Review (KS 2013-01) — Donna Ouchterlony, MD, CCFP — St. Michael’s Hospital

A Scoping Review Determining the Current and Future Role of Occupational Therapy in the ICU (KS 2013-13) — Susan Baptiste, MSc, OT(C) — McMaster University

Outcome Priorities in Intensive Care Studies (OPTICS) (SDG 2013-01) — John Muscedere, MD, FRCPC — Queen’s University/Kingston General Hospital


Community and Residential Care

Feasibility of a volunteer/health care provider navigation partnership to support frail rural-dwelling older adults (CAT 2014-CP) — Barbara Pesut, PhD, RN — University of British Columbia

The eDosette Study: Optimizing medication use and safety in community dwelling seniors (CAT 2015-25) — Henry Siu, MD, MSc, CCFP — McMaster University

A frailty measure for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities using aging care (FRA 2015-A-03) — Hélène Ouellette-Kuntz, PhD — Queen’s University

Antidepressant guidelines for long-term care residents with advanced frailty (FRA 2015-A-04) — Laurie Mallery, MD — Dalhousie University

Interventions to prevent and treat frailty in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review of the literature and international policies (FRA 2015-A-07) — Martine Puts, RN, PhD — University of Toronto

Modeling changes in assessments to predict needs and guide care planning in home care (FRA 2015-B-07) — Debra Sheets, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN — University of Victoria

The Jintronix technology to prevent functional decline in pre-frail/frail seniors consulting Emergency Departments (FRA 2015-B-14) — Marie-Josée Sirois, OT, PhD — Université Laval/CHU de Québec

Implementing the ‘Frailty Portal’ in Community Primary Care Practice: Evaluating feasibility, effects and expansion needs (FRA 2015-B-17) — Paige Moorhouse, MD, MPH, FRCPC — Nova Scotia Health Authority

The eDosette study: Optimizing medication use and safety in community dwelling seniors (HTIG 2014-17) —

David Chan, MD, CCFP, MSc, FCFP — McMaster University

FRAMING-LTC: Frailty and Recognizing Appropriate Medications IN Geriatrics and Long-Term Care (SIG 2014-M1) — Andrew Morris, MD, SM, FRCP(C) — Mount Sinai Hospital

User Studies with Intelligent Assistive Robots and Elder Residents Living in Long-Term Care Homes (CAT 2013-08) — Goldie Nejat, PhD, PEng — University of Toronto

Improving Outcomes for Frail Seniors: Impact of ASILA Program for Long-Term Staff (CAT 2013-47) — Veronique Boscart, PhD, MEd, MScN, RN — Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

New technologies to optimize assessment of mobility, activity, and health in the frail elderly (CAT 2014-02) — William McIlroy, PhD — University of Waterloo

Integrated eTechnology: Seniors Care for the 21st Century (CAT 2015-02) — Esther Suter, PhD, MSW — University of Calgary

Supporting Family Caregivers of Frail Older Persons Living in Long Term Care (CAT 2015-04) – Wendy Duggleby, PhD, RN, AOCN — University of Alberta

An ounce of prevention: intensive resistance training to optimize health in pre-frail older adults (CAT 2015-19) — Ada Tang, PT, PhD, MSc — McMaster University

Anticipatory Long-term care Electronic Resident Triage Tool (ALERT) for Canadian Long-Term Care Homes (CAT 2015-40) — Michelle Grinman, MD, FRCPC, MPH — University of Calgary

TELEPROM-G: A Study Evaluating Access and Care Delivery of Telehealth Services Among Community-Based Seniors (CAT 2015-TG1) — Cheryl Forchuk, PhD, RN — Lawson Health Research Institute

Incorporating a frailty dimension into LOCUS for seniors in a medical-psychiatry population (FRA 2015-B-05) — Rose Geist, MSW, MHA — Trillium Health Partners

An innovation for relocating a toilet to ease access for the frail elderly at home (HTIG 2014-07) — Tilak Dutta, PhD, PEng — Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network

Wearable Caregiver Posture Coaching Feedback System (HTIG 2014-11) — Tilak Dutta, PhD, PEng — Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network

Using mobile health applications (mHealth) to support communication with frail elderly people in long-term care (HTIG 2014-20) — Jeff Small, PhD — University of British Columbia

Post-discharge rehabilitation interventions for older adults with cognitive impairment following a hip fracture (KS 2013-05) — Katherine McGilton, PhD, RN — Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network

Communication Technologies for Engaging Patients, Families and Caregivers in the Health Care System: A Scoping Review (KS 2014-07) — Lynn McDonald, BA, MSW, PhD — University of Toronto

Rehabilitation for the seriously ill elderly: models of care and quality indicators (KS 2014-08) — Lora Giangregorio, PhD — University of Waterloo


Transitions of Care

Connecting Emergency Departments with Community services to prevent mobility losses in injured pre-frail & frail Seniors (CEDeComS) (TG 2015-09-P) — Marcel Émond, MD, MSc — Université Laval

Improving the decision process about location of care with the frail elderly and their caregivers (CORE 2013-56) — France Légaré, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP — Université Laval

Post-emergency department evidence-based interventions for the prevention of frailty and functional decline in injured community-dwellers (FRA 2015-A-06) — Marcel Émond, MD, MSc — Université Laval

Implementing a Risk Screening Tool in Primary Care for Older Frail Adults (FRA 2015-B-19) —

Paul Stolee, PhD, MSc, MPA, BA — University of Waterloo

Choosing Healthcare Options by Involving Canada’s Elderly: The CHOICE Knowledge Synthesis Project (KS 2013-08) — Paul Stolee, PhD, MSc, MPA, BA — University of Waterloo

Development and testing of a standardized communication form to improve transitions for nursing home residents (CAT 2013-43) — Greta Cummings, PhD, RN, FCAHS — University of Alberta

Reengineering the Discharge of Elderly Patients from Intensive Care: Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a Tool Kit (CAT 2015-06) — Henry Stelfox, MD, PhD, FRCPC — University of Calgary

Developing patient-provider partnerships across the system (CAT 2015-22) — Paul Stolee, PhD, MSc, MPA, BA — University of Waterloo

Tecla Shield 3.0 (HTIG 2014-21) — Deborah Fels, PhD, PEng — Ryerson University

Hip fracture quality indicators: A scoping review (KS 2013-07) — Susan Jaglal, PhD, MSc, BSc — University of Toronto