2014 Catalyst Grants

CFN launched its second Catalyst Grant Program competition on September 2, 2014.

The Catalyst Grant Program funds projects of up to one (1) year in length and up to $100,000 (up to $150,000 for projects of exceptional merit, with adequate justification). A 25% funding match was required for the 2014 competition.

The Program supports scalable research studies including pilot studies, feasibility studies, translational studies, and novel and innovative approaches aligned with research priorities and themes. It is expected that successful catalyst projects may be suitable for future larger scale CFN funding opportunities.

Projects Funded

For more details on any of the projects, please click on the project names below:

Integrating a quality of life assessment and practice support system in palliative homecare (CAT 2014-17)

Principal Investigators: 

Richard Sawatzky, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN — Trinity Western University

Robin Cohen, PhD, MSc, BSc — Jewish General Hospital

Feasibility of a volunteer/healthcare provider navigation partnership to support frail rural-dwelling older adults (CAT 2014-CP)

Principal Investigators:

Barbara Pesut, PhD, RN — University of British Columbia

Wendy Duggleby, PhD, RN, AOCN — University of Alberta

E-CYCLE: A pilot randomized clinical trial of early in-bed cycling in elderly, mechanically ventilated patients (CAT 2014-06)

Principal Investigator:

Michelle Kho, PT, PhD — McMaster University

A pilot study of a MEdication RAtionalization (MERA) Intervention (CAT 2014-29)

Principal Investigator:

James Downar, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC — University Health Network

Elder-friendly Approaches to the Surgical Environment-using Biological samples to Identify & provide Optimized care (EASE-BIO) (CAT 2014-31)

Principal Investigator:

Rachel Khadaroo, MD, PhD, FRCSC — University of Alberta

New technologies to optimize assessment of mobility, activity, and health in the frail elderly (CAT 2014-02)

Principal Investigators:

William McIlroy, PhD — University of Waterloo

Don Cowan, PhD, BASc, MSc — University of Waterloo

About the Application and Review Process

The Program was launched on September 2, 2014. A Pre-application Indication of Intent was required by October 17, 2014, and those projects that submitted this Intent were eligible to submit full Applications by October 31, 2014. 33 full applications were received and adjudicated by the Scientific Review Committee. Of these, 14 were deemed to be of high scientific merit and were then reviewed by the Research Management Committee to determine fit with CFN’s Mission and Priorities.  Six proposals were ultimately selected for funding by the CFN Board of Directors. Successful projects were notified in early February 2015.

Eligibility and requirements were outlined in the Program Guidelines/Call for Applications, and Application Instructions were also made available. 

The following documents were required as part of a full application package:

  • Project Team Information List
  • Application Form
  • Partner Letters of Support
  • Detailed Budget — one for each Principal Investigator
  • Principal Investigators’ CVs
  • Summary CVs/resumes of other team members
  • Application Signatures — one for each Principal Investigator