2015 Catalyst Grants

CFN launched its third Catalyst Grant Program competition on September 8, 2015.

The Catalyst Grant Program funds projects of up to one (1) year in length and up to $100,000 (up to $150,000 for projects of exceptional merit, with adequate justification). A 50% funding match was required for the 2015 competition.

The Program supports scalable research studies including pilot studies, feasibility studies, translational studies, and novel and innovative approaches aligned with research priorities and themes. It is expected that successful catalyst projects may be suitable for future larger scale CFN funding opportunities.

Projects Funded

For more details on any of the projects, please click on the project names below:

Pilot study of an automated one-year mortality prediction tool to trigger Advance Care Planning (CAT 2015-16)

Principal Investigator:

James Downar, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC — University Health Network

The eDosette Study: Optimizing medication use and safety in community dwelling seniors (CAT 2015-25)

Principal Investigators:

Henry Siu, MD, MSc, CCFP — McMaster University

David Chan, MD, CCFP, MSc, FCFP — McMaster University

Developing patient-provider partnerships across the system (CAT 2015-22)

Principal Investigator:

Paul Stolee, PhD, MSc, MPA, BA — University of Waterloo

Reengineering the Discharge of Elderly Patients from Intensive Care: Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a Tool Kit (CAT 2015-06)

Principal Investigators:

Henry Stelfox, MD, PhD, FRCPC — University of Calgary

Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc, FRCPC — University of Alberta

Reducing post-discharge potentially inappropriate medications amongst the elderly: a multi-centre electronic deprescribing intervention (CAT 2015-TG2)

Principal Investigators:

Todd Campbell Lee, MD, MPH, FRCPC — McGill University Health Centre

Emily McDonald, MD, MSc — McGill University Health Centre

Optimizing Palliative Care in Nunavik’s Communities (CAT 2015-03)

Principal Investigator:

Serge Dumont, PhD — Université Laval

Integrated Approach to Palliative Care in Acute Care (iPAC-AC) (CAT 2015-32)

Principal Investigators:

Kelli Stajduhar, PhD, MSN, BN, RN — University of Victoria

Neil Hilliard, MD — Fraser Health Authority

Richard Sawatzky, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN — Trinity Western University

Mixed Methods feasibility study of group peer support interventions to engage the public in ACP (CAT 2015-39)

Principal Investigators:

Doris Barwich, MD, CCFP — University of British Columbia

Arminee Kazanjian, DrSoc — University of British Columbia

Jennifer Kryworuchko, RN, PhD, BScN, CNCC(C) — University of British Columbia

Integrated eTechnology: Seniors Care for the 21st Century (CAT 2015-02)

Principal Investigator:

Esther Suter, PhD, MSW — University of Calgary

Support, Education, Networking & Sustained Engagement (SENSE): Knowledge-to-Action with Families of the Frail Elderly Living in Residential Long-term Care (CAT 2015-12)

Principal Investigator:

Jennifer Baumbusch, RN, PhD, MSN, BSN — University of British Columbia

An ounce of prevention: intensive resistance training to optimize health in pre-frail older adults (CAT 2015-19)

Principal Investigators:

Ada Tang, PT, PhD, MSc — McMaster University

Christopher Gordon, PhD — McMaster University

Feng Xie, PhD, MSc — McMaster University

Exploring the preferences of frail elderly Canadians for aspects of inpatient care: A best-worst scaling experiment (CAT 2015-36)

Principal Investigators:

Nick Bansback, PhD — University of British Columbia

Stirling Bryan, PhD — University of British Columbia

Anticipatory Long-term care Electronic Resident Triage Tool (ALERT) for Canadian Long-Term Care Homes (CAT 2015-40)

Principal Investigators:

Michelle Grinman, MD, FRCPC, MPH — University of Calgary

Greta Cummings, RN, PhD, FCAHS, FAAN — University of Alberta

TELEPROM-G: A Study Evaluating Access and Care Delivery of Telehealth Services Among Community-Based Seniors (CAT 2015-TG1)

Principal Investigator:

Cheryl Forchuk, PhD, RN — Lawson Health Research Institute

Evaluation of a context-adapted wiki-based decision aid supporting critically ill patients’ decisions about life-sustaining therapies (CAT 2015-35)

Principal Investigators:

Patrick Michel Archambault, MD, MSc, FRCPC — Université Laval

France Légaré, MD, PhD, CCFP, FCFP — Université Laval

Supporting Family Caregivers of Frail Older Persons Living in Long Term Care (CAT 2015-04)

Principal Investigator:

Wendy Duggleby, PhD, RN, AOCN — University of Alberta

About the Application and Review Process


The Program was launched on September 8, 2015. A Pre-application Indication of Intent was required by October 5, 2015 and those projects that submitted this Intent were eligible to submit full Applications by November 9, 2015. Sixteen proposals were ultimately selected for funding by the CFN Board of Directors.