2015 Implementation Grants — Frailty Measures
In February of 2015, CFN offered funding through a competition focused on measuring the degree of frailty in the elderly.
Measurement of frailty in the elderly can be helpful in identifying the most appropriate type of care, and care setting, provided to elderly patients. It has also been suggested that early identification of frailty can inform patients, and both formal and informal caregivers, on therapeutic options and treatment decisions, including those for acute care, restorative care, advance care planning and appropriate end-of-life care.
Projects funded under this competition investigate the feasibility of operationalizing a frailty measure in one or more health care settings such as acute care, residential care and home care. Projects must evaluate whether the implementation of the frailty measure resulted in appropriate changes to the interventions/treatments elderly patients receive and their impact on patient-centred outcomes. Studies were conducted across multiple jurisdictions to demonstrate future scalability. In both competitions, a minimum of 25% of matching funding was required. Timeline: 12 months maximum from time of approval. Budget: $100,000 maximum per proposal.
Projects Funded
Twelve projects were funded, with first-time funding for over 20 Principal Investigators. For more details on any of the projects, please click on the project names below:
Implementing a Risk Screening Tool in Primary Care for Older Frail Adults (FRA 2015-B-19)
Principal Investigators:
Paul Stolee, PhD, MSc, MPA, BA — University of Waterloo
George Heckman, MD, MSc, FRCP(C) — University of Waterloo
Modeling changes in assessments to predict needs and guide care planning in home care (FRA 2015-B-07)
Principal Investigators:
Debra Sheets, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN — University of Victoria
Stuart MacDonald, PhD — University of Victoria
The Jintronix technology to prevent functional decline in pre-frail/frail seniors consulting Emergency Departments (FRA 2015-B-14)
Principal Investigators:
Marie-Josée Sirois, OT, PhD — Université Laval/CHU de Québec
Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, PhD — Université du Québec à Montréal
Raoul Daoust, MD, CSPQ, MSc — Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal
Marcel Émond, MD, MSc — Université Laval
Implementing the ‘Frailty Portal’ in Community Primary Care Practice: Evaluating feasibility, effects and expansion needs (FRA 2015-B-17)
Principal Investigators:
Paige Moorhouse, MD, MPH, FRCPC — Nova Scotia Health Authority
Fred Burge, MD, MSc, FCFP — Dalhousie University
Tara Sampalli, PhD, MASc — Nova Scotia Health Authority
Frailty Assessment of Older Canadians Using Emergency Services with Tablet Technology (FRA 2015-B-09)
Principal Investigators:
Jacques Lee, MD, MSc, FRCPC — Sunnybrook Research Institute
Mark Chignell, PhD — University of Toronto
Marcel Émond, MD, MSc — Université Laval
Judah Goldstein, PhD — Dalhousie University
The essential frailty toolset (FRA 2015-B-11)
Principal Investigators:
Jonathan Afilalo, MD, MSc, FACC, FRCPC — Jewish General Hospital
Rakesh Arora, MD, MSC — University of Manitoba
Sandra Lauck, PhD, RN — University of British Columbia
Province-Wide Implementation of the Clinical Frailty Scale in an Electronic Medical Record System (eCritical) in Alberta (FRA 2015-B-20)
Principal Investigators:
Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc, FRCPC — University of Alberta
Darryl Rolfson, MD — University of Alberta
Henry Stelfox, BMSc, MD, PhD — University of Calgary
Dan Zuege, MD, MSc, FRCPC — University of Calgary
David Zygun, MD, FRCPC — University of Alberta
Incorporating a frailty dimension into LOCUS for seniors in a medical-psychiatry population (FRA 2015-B-05)
Principal Investigators:
Cara Vaccarino, MSW, MHA — Trillium Health Partners
Rose Geist, MD, FRCPC — Trillium Health Partners
Benoit Mulsant, MD, FRCPC — Trillium Health Partners
Identifying older patients at high risk of poor outcomes after joint replacement surgery (FRA 2015-B-06)
Principal Investigator:
Daniel McIsaac, MD, MPH, FRCPC — Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
New Approaches to Evaluating Frailty in Solid Organ Transplantation (FRA 2015-B-13)
Principal Investigator:
Lianne Singer, MD, FRCPC — University Health Network
Acute-Care Frailty Ladder (FRA 2015-B-16)
Principal Investigators:
Nancy Mayo, BSc, MSc, PhD — The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
José Morais, MD — The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Cardiac Surgery among the Frail and Elderly Towards Optimal Decision Making (FRA 2015-B-22)
Principal Investigator:
Greg Hirsch, MD — Nova Scotia Health Authority
About the competition
A Guidance Document and Application Instructions were provided for potential applicants. A Pre-application Intent to Apply was required by March 23, 2015. Those projects that submitted this Intent were eligible to submit full Applications by April 27, 2015.