Springboard Grants Program – Early Career Researcher Competition

Please note: the Early Career Researchers (ECR) Competition is now CLOSED

Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is pleased to announce that it has partnered with AGE-WELL, Perley Health and Sepsis Canada to co-fund early career researchers (ECRs) in Canada. This competition will help ECRs build skills, knowledge and allow them to develop early stage research programs such that they are competitive for future larger funding competitions. See below for additional details and important dates.

  • AGE-WELL is a unique Canadian network that brings everyone together to develop technologies and services for healthy aging. We’re also training the next generation of innovators in this field and making Canada a world leader in technologies that help aging populations everywhere.
  • Perley Health is a unique and innovative community of care that empowers Seniors and Veterans to live life to the fullest. We are also a centre for research, education, and clinical innovation and our Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care™ conducts and shares the practical research needed to improve care. The Centre of Excellence provides opportunities for the next generation of researchers in the field of aging.
  • Sepsis Canada is a single nationally coordinated network committed to supporting research and innovation that reduces the burden of sepsis for all Canadians. Specifically, Sepsis Canada is committed to understanding the causes of sepsis, improving the prevention, detection and management of sepsis, advancing rehabilitation from this disease and building capacity within the current and next generation of sepsis researchers.

Please note: the information below is intended to provide base knowledge for the competition. The Springboard ECR Project Guidelines contain all necessary information regarding the competition, such as complete competition details, various funding streams, eligibility criteria, how to apply and much more, and can be accessed via the Project Guidelines document link below:


Competition Details

There are four funding streams in this competition:

  1. Proposals solely funded by CFN
    • Grant term is 18 months and maximum budget for a proposal is $100,000. Total budget is $525,000.
  2. Proposals supported by CFN & AGE-WELL
    • Grant term is 18 months and maximum budget for a proposal is $50,000. Total budget is $50,000.
  3. Proposals co-funded by CFN & Perley Health
    • Grant term is 18 months and maximum budget for a proposal is $100,000. Total budget is $100,000.
  4. Proposals co-funded by CFN & Sepsis Canada
    • Grant term is 18 months and maximum budget for a proposal is $100,000. Total budget is $100,000.

Additional funding details:

  • A proposal will be more competitive for funding if it includes partners who have committed cash or eligible in-kind contributions.
  • No minimum partner contribution requirement although higher cash and in-kind partner funding will be weighted higher in proposal evaluations.
  • All applicants must provide proof that they have submitted their study for REB review/approval.
    • For applicants whose REB will not review studies prior to funding, please provide a letter from your REB stating that reviews will only take place once CFN funding is confirmed.
  • To receive funds, successful Applicants must submit final ethics approval to CFN.

Definition of an Early Career Investigator:

  • As of the full application submission deadline, investigator must be within six years from the start of first academic appointment (e.g., an assistant professor, or equivalent).
  • Any career interruptions (e.g. parental leave for birth or adoption, medical leave, residency training, clinical licensing, etc.) will be deducted from the calculation if justified.
  • All time spent in research appointments will be factored into the calculation for eligibility.
  • Part-time (0.5 FTE or less) appointments will be counted taken into account in the calculation. For examples at 0.5 FTE one-year part-time research appointment will be calculated as six months.

How to apply (refer to Project Guidelines for full details):

  • Letter of Intent (LOI): completed through CFN’s Forum website.


Important dates:

Please read the Program Guidelines and the Application Instructions carefully before completing and submitting your LOI and Full Application.

  1. Competition launch: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
  2. Deadline to submit LOI: Monday, May 16, 2022 by 4 p.m. ET – DEADLINE PASSED
  3. Deadline to submit online Full Application: Monday, July 18, 2022 by 4 p.m. ET
  4. Adjudication of Full Applications is estimated be completed by late September/early October 2022.
  5. Successful Applicants will be notified in early October 2022. Funding installments will commence after all necessary agreements have been executed and REB approval(s) received.

Contact for further information: CFNNCEinfo@gmail.com