External Placement: HQP Voices

Mylène Michaud recalled her external placement, noting that, “This experience has not only taught me about the importance of quality of life of [older adults living with frailty], but also how subjective and personal opinions may be. This placement has helped my research because it made me realize how the quality of life of the residents is primordial in their health status and happiness…” Since her Fellowship, Michaud shared that, “I have completed my master’s degree and am now in a doctorate program still focusing on older adults.” Her time with CFN was influential in nurturing this interest.

Patricia Hewston, a current IFP HQP, told us, “Right now, I am completing an ‘Externship’ as part of my CFN Fellowship with the Regional Palliative Care Network. I attend 2 to 3 times a week in a variety of locations across the region (e.g., hospices, LHIN offices, community centres, hospitals). Taking time to partner with an organization outside of academia should be an essential part of graduate education to elevate student’s thinking to the system level. I am learning about (and contributing to) the implementation and uptake of these evidence-based guidelines, which aim to improve coordination, integration and experience of care for patients and families.” This reflection on the program underscores the value of our Training Program that asks researchers to step outside of the academic world and consider other perspectives.