Read more about the project here.
Linda Read Paul, RN, MN, CHPCN(C) is a Clinical Associate Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at University of Calgary. She is also a Clinical Nurse Specialist-Palliative Care with the Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone Rural Palliative Care Consultation Team. Linda earned her BSN degree from UBC and her MN degree from the University of Alberta. She has specialized in palliative care for the past 20 years and has particular interests in hope and ethics.
Charleen Salmon, BHSc (Honours), MSc Candidate, Epidemiology Specialization is a second-year Masters of Science student at the University of Calgary. Charleen earned her Bachelors of Health Science Honours Degree at the UofC with a major in Health & Society and a concentration in Sociology. Charleen worked as a Research Assistant for the Rural Palliative Care Consultation Team’s Web-based Videoconferencing Research Project. Charleen is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship and the Talisman Energy Research Fund in Healthy Living and Optimizing Health Outcomes Graduate Studentship. Charleen’s research focuses on maternal and child health and she has special interests in improving health experiences for patients.