An introduction to CFN research and funding opportunities Webinar — October 1, 2014 (John Muscedere & Stephanie Michaud)

Webinar #1 focused on CFN and our funding partner, the NCE program (Networks of Centres of Excellence) and how we are improving health care for seriously ill, frail elderly Canadians, and supporting their families and caregivers.

We believe that caring for older adults living with frailty is a complex, Canada-wide issue that requires multi-faceted, national strategies and solutions, and this webinar is one way we bring together talented people to focus on this goal.

About our speakers

Michaud, Stephanie  Stéphanie Michaud, PhD

Prior to joining the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) as Program Deputy Director for the NCE and BL-NCE programs, Dr. Stéphanie Michaud was Senior Manager for Strategic Planning in the Research Partnerships Programs Directorate of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC). She has occupied several Account and Portfolio Manager positions within NSERC, including lead for Idea to Innovation (I2I), NSERC’s technology commercialization program and was responsible for the review of NSERC’s Intellectual Property Policy. She is well versed in intellectual property law as a result of her work within the Canadian Intellectual Property Office and continues to act as lead for IP Policy at NSERC. Prior to joining the federal government, she worked in the private sector for a biotechnology university spin-off firm where she led the R&D efforts of the chemistry group. She holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry from McGill University.

Muscedere photo John Muscedere, MD

Dr. John Muscedere was appointed CFN Scientific Director, effective August 1, 2013. Dr. Muscedere is an intensivist at Kingston General Hospital (KGH), and Associate Professor in the Critical Care Program, Department of Medicine, in the School of Medicine at Queen’s University. He is Research Director of the Critical Care Program at Queen’s, and serves as the Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN) Critical Care Leader for the SouthEast LHIN. Dr. Muscedere is Co-Chair of the Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG) Knowledge Translation Committee. Dr. Muscedere is an accomplished critical care researcher whose primary research interests include ventilator-associated pneumonia, clinical practice guidelines, quality improvement, knowledge translation and venous thromboembolism. He is currently leading the implementation of a Canadian Critical Care Knowledge Translation Network, aC3KTion Net, which seeks to improve the implementation of evidence informed best practices in critical care.  As an intensivist, he has first-hand knowledge of caring for the frail elderly, and first-hand knowledge of CFN and its goals, having participated in the Network’s initial proposal for Network Centres of Excellence (NCE) funding, as well as serving as Chair of the CFN Knowledge Translation Committee in its first year.