CFN believes that caring for older adults living with frailty is a complex, Canada-wide issue that requires multi-faceted, national strategies and solutions, and our monthly webinars are one way we bring together talented people to focus on this goal.
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Discharging Elders from ED to Community: What You Need to Know?
In Canada, around 400,000 independent-living seniors/year sustain injuries that limit their functional mobility. Around 65% of them seek care in Emergency Departments (EDs), 70% of whom are discharged home (CIHI, 2010). The Canadian Emergency and Trauma Initiative in elders (CETIe) has confirmed that minor injuries can trigger a downward spiral of functional decline in 15-18%…
Decision-making and communication tools for hospitalized patients (DECIDE-II-COMMUNICATE)
The majority of elderly and seriously--ill Canadians prefer to avoid aggressive life--sustaining treatment at the end of life, and remain at home to receive comfort--oriented care. Yet most Canadians die in an institution, often receiving aggressive care that is associated with a poor quality of life. One of the major contributors to unwanted aggressive end--of--life…
Describing care received by frail elderly patients nearing EOL in Canada
Despite the development of a range of resources and services in Canada to meet the needs of the frail seniors, the system of care continues to be challenged by a fragmentation of services which adversely influences service accessibility and efficiency. The objective of this environmental scan is to inform policy and practice to ensure that…
Development and testing of a standardized communication form to improve transitions for nursing home residents
One of the key findings from the Older Persons’ Transitions in Care (OPTIC) study is the need to improve communication among health care providers involved in the handover of frail elderly residents during transfers to and from the emergency department. These transitions from long term care to emergency departments and back are facilitated by personnel…
Frailty measure for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities make up 1 to 3% of Canadians. They are living longer; by 2021, it is projected that the number of seniors (65 years +) with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Ontario will almost double from 6,000 to 10,000. They are higher users of health care including aging care. In…
An electronic quality of life and practice support system (QPSS) for person-centered older adult care
The imperative of person-centered care requires that the voices of palliative older adults and their families are represented at all levels of health care decision making. Routine assessments of perceived healthcare needs and quality of life (QOL) can make patient and family caregiver concerns more visible to healthcare professionals, so they can be effectively monitored…
Engaging Older Adults in Healthcare Research, Planning, and Decision-making
This presentation provides an overview of patient engagement, specifically engaging older frail adults. By the end of the presentation, HQPs should be able to describe the value and importance of patient and family engagement in health care research, planning, and clinical decision-making and have an understanding of patient and family engagement frameworks. Presenter: Jacobi Elliott, PhD,…
Benchmarking EOL care practices for elderly in primary care (CFN Funded CORE Grant)
This 3-year project will increase the uptake of benchmark end-of-life (EOL) care for elderly patients with advanced illness. It involves the development of quality indicators associated with primary care best practices in EOL care and promoting their integration into the EMR of practicing primary care physicians in British Columbia. The investigators want to find out…
ASILA case-simulation prototype on cognitive and physical outcomes of frail seniors in nursing homes
The Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care’s report Living Longer, Living Well highlights a rapidly increasing need to care for seniors requiring complex care in nursing home (NH) settings. As the number of seniors rises, pressure increases on the care capacity in these organizations. It is estimated that by 2020, Canadian healthcare staff will…
Clinical tools for nutritional pathway involving hospitalized, older adults (CFN Funded Catalyst Grant)
This research project led to the development of clinical tools to guide acute-care practitioners in the nutritional care of frail elderly patients on medical and surgical wards. A national study on the prevalence of malnutrition involved over 1000 patients in 18 acute care hospitals across 8 provinces. A nutrition care pathway has been validated among…