CFN believes that caring for older adults living with frailty is a complex, Canada-wide issue that requires multi-faceted, national strategies and solutions, and our monthly webinars are one way we bring together talented people to focus on this goal.
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View Previous Webinars
Scoping review of communication technologies for engaging patients, families and caregivers in the health care system
New communication technologies—the Internet, social media and phones—offer exciting opportunities for promoting and improving health. Listen to University of Toronto’s Dr. Anthony Lombardo, PhD review the use of technologies to empower, engage and support frail older adult patients, their families and caregivers. Conducted in collaboration with the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly,…
Cochrane systematic review of antipsychotics for managing delirium in hospitalized patients –Results of CFN-funded Knowledge Synthesis Grant
Delirium is an acute confusional state characterized by fluctuating mental status, inattention and either altered level of consciousness or disorganized thinking. It is common in hospitalized elderly patients and typically follows an acute event such as surgery, severe infection or admission to the intensive care unit. Risk factors for delirium include patient factors (e.g. age)…
Ethical Framework for Research and Healthcare Decision Making for Frail Elderly Canadians
Ethical frameworks for health policy are emerging and crucial initiatives in health care. A CFN supported research project has been developing, evaluating and disseminating information about the use of technologies of treatment and care for seriously ill and frail elderly patients and their families. An important and innovative initiative by CFN since its inception has…
Systematic review and meta-analysis of communication tools for end of life decisionmaking(Final Results of a CFN funded project)
With the advances in medical care over past decades, end-of-life (EOL) decision-making has become an integral part of quality health care, so that patients do not receive unwanted, invasive treatments. Many structured communication tools, such as decision aids and educational interventions, have been developed to help patients and clinicians with EOL decision-making. However, it is…
Assessing quality-of-life measures for elderly traumatic brain injury survivors (Final Results of CFN Knowledge Synthesis Grant)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can be most alarming for the elderly and signal the end of independent living (Hukkelhoven et al, 2003, Utomo et al, 2009). Much of what is currently known about recovery is based on information provided by family or clinician ratings. Recently, there has been increased interest in the patients’ perception of…
Rehabilitation for the frail elderly: models of care and quality indicators (Final Results of CFN Knowledge Synthesis Grant)
20 minutes a day, once a week. It is barely enough time to get many a long term care (LTC) resident up and moving around, yet that is the average time now allotted for individualized physiotherapy (PT) in LTC. PT can maintain or restore function in LTC residents, yet a cost-effective model of delivery remains…
Hip fracture quality indicators: a scoping review (Final Results of CFN Knowledge Synthesis Grant)
Over 30,000 hip fractures (hip#) occur annually in Canada. They are the second leading cause of hospitalization for Canadian seniors and are expected to increase by 2031, when approximately 25% of Canadians will be 65 years or older. Dr. Susan Jaglal of the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and PhD candidate Kristen Pitzul shared the results of…
Post-discharge rehabilitation interventions for older adults with cognitive impairment following a hip fracture
Each year in Canada, many seniors experience a hip fracture complicated by the presence of cognitive impairment (CI) such as delirium or dementia. Following inpatient rehabilitation, the maintenance of functional gains among persons with CI is of utmost importance. Dr. Katherine McGilton and Dr. Paula van Wyk spoke about their search for evidence of effective…
Patient and family reported experience and outcome measures for elderly, acute care patients — July 8, 2015
The needs of frail elderly patients hospitalized in acute care are complex. The imperatives of client- and family-centered care require that the voices of frail elderly patients and their families are represented at all levels of health care decision making. Comprehensive assessments of their perceived health outcomes, quality of life concerns, and health care experiences…
Role of OT in the ICU — June 3, 2015
Being a patient in an ICU is frightening, disorienting and calls for courage in facing the unknown. Post-ICU, patients are at risk of developing difficulties thinking clearly, and this can last for up to 8 years after the ICU. By 2026, the number of people over 60 years old needing ICU care will increase by…