Email Your Federal Ministers!
Conditions like frailty leave older adults vulnerable to injury and illnesses like the flu or COVID-19, and older adults living in Long Term Care are even more vulnerable.
We are asking the Federal Government to enact the following changes to ensure that the health and well-being of older adults living with frailty, especially those in Long Term Care, is being safeguarded.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that Canada needs to change the way we are caring for our most vulnerable citizens – older adults living with frailty.
Long term care homes need mandatory minimum staffing requirements, and proper training in behavioural support and frailty recognition to ensure Canadians receive quality care as they age. We challenge you to introduce federal standards of care in long term care homes, and adequately fund public health and home care services to help keep older Canadians living at home with dignity and quality of life for as long as possible.
We continue to urge governments to remember the importance of all older adults, including those living with frailty, long after the pandemic is over.

Fill out this form to send an email with the message above to the Office of the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and Minister of Seniors to support CFN’s call for change in Canada’s Long Term Care systems.