Our network community

CFN is Canada’s hub for bringing brilliant, talented people and organizations together from academia, care delivery, communities, government, NGOs, advocacy groups, other non-profits and industry to address frailty. As Canada’s only national organization dedicated to older Canadians living with frailty, CFN provides a unique opportunity to reach out and make a difference on this vital issue that impacts every Canadian.

Of course, key to all of our activities is the meaningful and appropriate involvement of citizens (patients and their family and friend caregivers, as well as the interested general public) — in research and in policy and program development, from agenda setting and planning to decision making, in implementation, and in review. Click here to learn more about how we engage citizens in our activities.


Network Investigators and their Host Institutions

  • Principal Investigators on our funded projects and Supervisors of our Interdisciplinary Fellows and Summer Students are approved as Network Investigators by the CFN Board of Directors, as are their host institutions, who become Network Members and are the voting members of CFN.


  • participate in our Interdisciplinary Training Program and play an important role in helping Network Investigators create evidence and mobilize it into policy and practice.

Organizations across the country

  • collaborate or partner with CFN and its researchers on corporate initiatives or on specific research or knowledge mobilization projects.

Our Network is completed by individuals and organizations across the country that that volunteer their knowledge and expertise, and distribution networks, to work on research projects, to mobilize knowledge, or to implement programs.

We also appreciate the support of the Government of Canada’s Networks of Centres of Excellence program, who have funded CFN for a second term (2012-2022), and CFN’s hosts, Queen’s University and Kingston Health Sciences Centre — Kingston General Hospital.