Sinclair, Duncan

Sinclair, Duncan

Duncan Sinclair, PhD, MSc, DVM, LLD

Queen’s University

MemberBoard of Directors

Duncan Sinclair is an emeritus Professor of Physiology and Fellow of the School of Policy Studies of Queen’s University, and Former Vice-Principal (Health Sciences) and Past Dean, Faculty of Medicine at Queen’s, where he was the first non-MD to serve as a Dean of Medicine and Vice Principal of Health Sciences in Canada. Dr. Sinclair graduated from the University of Toronto, Ontario Veterinary College (DVM and VS), where continued studies led to an MSc in nutrition. He completed a PhD in physiology at Queen’s University, followed by postdoctoral work at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York and a Meres Senior Scholarship in Medical Research at St. John’s College, Cambridge University. Dr. Sinclair has also contributed widely beyond the confines of academe, and his astute and pragmatic leadership has often been called upon in health care reform in Ontario, and nationally. In Ontario, he served on the Ministry of Health’s Steering Committee for review of the Public Hospitals Act, was a member of the Premier’s Council on Health, Well-Being and Social Justice, and as chair of the Health Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC) of Ontario from 1996 until its sunset in 2000, his diplomatic leadership led to a re-defined health system in Ontario. Nationally, Dr. Sinclair was a member of the National Forum on Health, and served as the founding Chair and acting CEO of Canada Health Infoway. His leadership has been widely recognized, most notably by an Honourary Fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in recognition of his contributions to medical scholarship and education, and his 2015 induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. He is passionate about the need for people-centred healthcare, and in addition to his work with CFN, sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for People-Centred Health (CAPCH). His insights often come from being immersed in medical fields, but he also has an intimate familiarity with volunteer caregiving.