Amann, Josef
Josef Amann Kingston General Hospital |
Member: Research Management Committee
Retired — After a 25 yrs career in Post Secondary Education, Josef shifted his focus from a business/financial environment to the Health Care Field. His education background is in business, international finance and organizational behaviour concluding with a Fellow at the Institute of Canadian Bankers.
Presently, Josef is involved with Patient Safety, Performance and Planning and the Patient Family Advisory Council at KGH. KGH has also appointed Josef as Patient/Caregiver Advisor to the Southeastern Local Health Integrated Network. This Network is the funding agency for all Health Care facilities from Brighton to Prescott and Bancroft to Perth including Smith Falls. Just recently Josef was appointed by Health Quality Ontario to the IDEAS Strategic Advisory Committee which is developing an educational program for health care workers. In addition Josef sits on the Research Management Committee for CFN a Not for Profit organization funded by the National Research Council an arm of the Government of Canada to explore improvements in Health Care for the Serious Ill Seniors in Canada.
Josef is focused on transforming the health care experience to the patient and family care setting, and an advocate for patient and family engagement in particular the partnership with health care professionals.
Josef has a keen interested in transforming research/grant funding in order to understand the importance of the end user including line staff and their patients as a component of the research proposal.