Cara Brown

Cara Brown, PhD, MSc, BMR(OT)

University of Manitoba

Principal Investigator: Addressing Frailty with Community-Directed Physical Activity Programs in Manitoban First Nations Communities IH-012

Dr. Cara Brown is a white settler living in Treaty 1 territory. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba. She teaches in the Master of Occupational Therapy program. She is also a licensed occupational therapist, and worked more than twenty years in this role in a variety of settings ranging from primary care to acute care in Winnipeg. She is passionate about engaging patients, families, the public, and communities in research to ensure that the research is meaningful to those it affects the most. Her research often focuses on how to support people to live well in their homes and communities even in circumstances where there are complex health and social needs. She is a member of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences Indigenous Health research cluster and participates in Kiga mamo anokimin onji minoayawin, a partnership between twelve First Nations Manitoba communities and the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Cara has enjoyed the perspectives that have been opened up to her as a mentor with the PIKE-Net program.