Anik Giguère

Anik Giguère, PhD

Université Laval

Principal Investigator:

2022 RCHA Program – Helping to create an age-friendly environment in the city of Trois-Rivières (PROACTIVE2022)

2020 COVID-19 and Frailty Grant Program – Exploring the care needs of Canadians living with frailty and the role of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic (CFN-050)

2015 Transformative Grant Program Pilot Study – Transforming primary health care for frail elderly Canadians (TG 2015-24-P)

2014 Environmental Scan – Environmental scan to describe the current care received by seriously ill, frail  elderly patients nearing end of life in Canada (ES-01)

Anik Giguère is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Laval University in Quebec City (Canada). She is also a researcher at VITAM, the research centre on sustainable health, and at the Quebec Excellence Centre on Aging. She studies the design and implementation of educational programs and decision aids to enable older adults to make health decisions based on evidence and on their experiences and values.