John Muscedere

Dr. John Muscedere, MD, FRCPC
CFN Scientific Director and CEO
Professor, Critical Care Medicine, Queen’s University & Kingston General Hospital
CFN Scientific Director and CEO
Member, CFN Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Audit and Finance Committee & Scientific Review Committee
Chair, Research Management Committee & International Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr. John Muscedere was appointed Scientific Director of the Canadian Frailty Network effective August 1, 2013. He has been involved with CFN since its inception, having participated in the Network’s initial proposal for Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE) funding, as well as serving as Chair of the CFN Knowledge Translation Committee in its first year.
He is an intensivist at Kingston General Hospital (KGH), and Professor of Critical Care Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University. He is also the Research Director of the Critical Care Program at Queen’s and KGH. As an intensivist, he has first-hand knowledge of caring for critically ill older adults living with frailty, both in academic and community settings.
John is an accomplished critical care researcher whose primary research interests include nosocomial infections, clinical practice guidelines, knowledge translation, and critical care outcomes. He has led or participated in the development of many national and international clinical practice guidelines which have guided critical care practice, including guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of ventilator associated pneumonia; hypothermia post cardiac arrest; calcium channel blocker poisoning; and sepsis. Dr. Muscedere is Co-Chair of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group’s (CCCTG) Knowledge Translation Committee.
Dr. Muscedere has a keen interest in the design of healthcare systems to optimize patient centered outcomes. He has participated in the redesign of the Ontario provincial critical care system, including serving as the regional critical care lead for the South East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) for 10 years.
In 2021, John was elected to the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) Fellowship, one of Canada’s premier academic honours. The CAHS informs the government and public on issues critical to healthcare and health improvement. Elected individuals are recognized by their peers nationally and internationally for their contributions to the promotion of health sciences.
Principal Investigator:
2013 Scientific Director Grant — Outcome Priorities in Intensive Care Studies (OPTICS) (SDG 2013-01)