Brian Rowe

 Rowe Brian

Brian Rowe, MD, MSc

University of Alberta

Principal Investigator:

2015 Transformative Grant Program Pilot Study — Connecting Emergency Departments with Community services to prevent mobility losses in injured pre-frail & frail Seniors (CEDeComS) (TG 2015-09-P)

Dr. Brian Rowe is a Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. In addition to being the Scientific Director of the Emergency Strategic Clinical Network at Alberta Health Services, he was recently appointed Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health. Also, Dr. Rowe holds a Tier I Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Evidence-based Emergency Medicine, after a 10-year term as a Tier II CRC in Emergency Airway Diseases. He obtained his MD in 1984 from the University of Ottawa, completing training in Family and Emergency Medicine in 1987, and subsequently received his MSc in Clinical Epidemiology from McMaster University in 1991. Rowe’s research interests include systematic reviews, clinical trials, airway diseases and injury prevention.