Sara Mallinson

Sara Mallinson, PhD

University of Calgary

Principal Investigator:

2020 COVID-19 and Frailty Grant Program — Exploring the care needs of Canadians living with  frailty and the role of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic (CFN-050)

2015 Transformative Grant Program – Transforming primary health care for frail elderly Canadians (TG 2015-24)

I am a sociologist and health services researcher, originally from the UK, but now living and working in Calgary, AB. I am an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the University of Calgary’s Community Health Sciences Department and Senior Consultant in the Provincial Clinical Excellence portfolio of Alberta Health Services. My interests include people-powered health, lay knowledge and experiences of health and health care, and health equity/social determinants of health.  I am primarily a qualitative researcher but I also have experience with mixed-methods research, policy analysis, and diverse evidence synthesis.