Tecla Shield 3.0
This project made use of cutting-edge, rapid prototyping technologies (3D-printing), open source software and emerging mobile accessibility techniques, to create an end-to-end solution that enables simple access to mobile technologies for the elderly.
Research Results
Findings: Greater need for standards between devices, particularly for older frail users who might not have the capacity or resources to problem solve at the level required in order to make devices work for their needs and enjoyment. Proof-of concept, developed based on interviews with users and clinicians, is currently undergoing testing with users at home and in clinical settings. This will allow us to prioritize features present in the first iterations of the software application and guide the design of the user interface. The hardware that will support control of external devices (e.g. hospital bed controls, wheelchair functions) is currently under development for a scheduled release of Summer 2016.
Impact of findings: Our target user consists of frail elderly individuals with limited mobility and due to lack of familiarity with technology, find it difficult to use a touch-screen device.
Publications, presentations and webinars
About the Project
Older adults, particularly the frail elderly have had few options to support communication other than those that have been designed for others with disabilities. Even so, the technologies supporting people with disabilities have traditionally relied on single-purpose, heavy and costly “made for the disabled” technologies, most of which are outdated and designed to comply with byzantine funding frameworks instead of being designed around user needs. These obsolete devices can be easily replaced by mobile apps and accessories at a fraction of the cost. Tecla, made by Komodo OpenLab, unlocks the capabilities and benefits of cutting-edge mobile technologies for those who, due to disease or disability, find it impossible to use a touch-screen. Thanks to Tecla, individuals with physical impairments such as spinal cord injuries (quadriplegia), brain injury and stroke are now able to access smartphones and tablets. However, these interfaces are still challenging for users that have not have previous experience using computers and other devices like smartphones and tablets.
For more details on the project rationale, objectives and research plan, click here.
Project Team
Principal Investigator:
Deborah Fels, PhD, PEng — Ryerson University
Margot Whitfield — Ryerson University
Project Contact: Deborah Fels — dfels@ryerson.ca
HTIG 2014-21
This project made use of cutting-edge, rapid prototyping technologies (3D-printing), open source software and emerging mobile accessibility techniques, to create an end-to-end solution that enables simple access to mobile technologies for the elderly.
Principal Investigator
Deborah Fels, PhD, PEng — Ryerson University
Fels, D., Meza, M., Kwok, L. (March 2016). Working with frail, elderly EVA users to determine ways to support agency in single connectivity with mobile technologies. ICCHP, 8pp.
This project made use of cutting-edge, rapid prototyping technologies (3D-printing), open source software and emerging mobile accessibility techniques, to create an end-to-end solution that enables simple access to mobile technologies for the elderly.
Principal Investigator
Deborah Fels, PhD, PEng — Ryerson University.
Rationale: A device called Tecla Shield, made by our partner Komodo OpenLab, unlocks the capabilities and benefits of cuttingedge mobile technologies for those who, due to disease or disability, find it impossible to use a touch-screen. Thanks to Tecla, individuals with physical impairments such as spinal cord injuries (quadriplegia), brain injury and stroke are now able to access smartphones and tablets. However, these interfaces are still challenging for users that have not have previous experience using computers and other devices like smartphones and tablets.
Objectives: Working with Komodo OpenLabs, our plan is to develop access kits that facilitate access to simple interfaces that allow the frail elderly to communicate with caregivers and family, interact with their environment (adjust their bed, control the lights, etc.), receive and respond to reminders leveraging mobile devices.
Research Plan: A combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods will be employed throughout this research to collect and analyze data. The methods that will be employed to investigate and achieve the research objectives are: (1) Use an iterative design technique where interim developments are subjected to user review and evaluation. Prototypes are revised based on the results of these evaluations. Prototype development will be driven by user needs and by models devised during this research. (2) Modified and inclusive methods of formative and summative evaluation including survey techniques.