2019/2020 NCE Report- HQP Quotes: Citizen Engagement

Gaudens Acakpo– 2019 Project HQP

after having completed certain training courses such as citizen engagement, Frailty screening tools, and after my first participation in the CFN conference, I changed my research perspective. I am now more interested by patient participation in my research. I understand the importance of their knowledge if my objective is to implement the results of my research. Because the result will reflect their reality.” Emily di Sante (Project HQP, 2018), tells us that as a result of her project with CFN, “my research team has included citizen involvement in our grants and projects. One example is our current transnational project funded by the Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Research (JPND) grant by CIHR. This study recognized our team’s involvement with the iCAN-ACP team’s patient and citizen engagement. As a result, we were invited to help lead the creation of a Public and Patient Involvement Strategy and Toolkit. In this international study, we hope to take the patient engagement experiences and lessons we have learned in the iCAN-ACP project and apply them in a dementia-focused setting. I am the lead project coordinator for the Canadian arm of this study and am responsible for helping to draft the Public and Patient Involvement Strategy and Toolkit.