CFN Mindmerge regional events for researchers and knowledge users

Mindmerge 2015 in Victoria, British Columbia

The 2015 CFN Mindmerge event in Victoria, British Columbia brought together over 100 researchers, knowledge users and decision makers to exchange research and ideas on improving care for frail elderly Canadians. 

Hosted by Island Health and the University of Victoria’s Centre on Aging, the event featured presentations by 14 frailty leaders from Canada’s west coast. U-Vic’s Department of Medical Sciences and School of Nursing also were instrumental in presenting this event.

Mindmerge presentations included an overview of CFN’s frailty research and knowledge mobilization strategy from CFN scientific director John Muscedere; and, the Network’s framework for engaging patients and caregivers in CFN research by Jayna Holroyd, Co-Chair of CFN’s Citizen Engagement Initiative and Chair of CFN’s KT Committee.

Co-PI Richard Sawatzky of Trinity Western University provided knowledge transfer on his completed CFN-supported research: Integrating quality of life assessments into acute care for older adults with chronic life-limiting illness. Co-PI Gloria Gutman of Simon Fraser University presented community sensitization issues involving end-of-life conversations, community and care among LGBT older adults

Click here for Victoria Mindmerge proceedings.


Mindmerge Victoria


MindMerge 2014 in Halifax, Nova Scotia

A MindMerge event in Halifax in November 2014 brought together over 50 reserachers, policy makers, health care system decision makers and other knowledge users. Hosted by Dalhousie University School of Medicine Clinical Research Centre and sponsored by the Dalhousie School of Nursing, the event featured an exchange of ideas and perspectives on a topic of high relevance to CFN and our stakeholders … frailty and Canada’s older adults.


This knowledge mobilization event unveiled CFN’s new ethical legal framework, a declaration of core values that informs and guides the CFN Network’s work involving the care of frail elderly Canadians. Mindmerge participants also received briefings on advancements in CFN-sponsored research that is providing new pathways for changing health policy and health clinical practices.  Click on the links below to view event presentations, or click here to review the full agenda.

Improving care for frail older adults: where do we start? (Melissa Andrews, Dalhousie University)

Using STOPP/START criteria to improve patient outcomes (Barbara Hill-Taylor, Dalhousie University)

Translating research in elder care (TREC presentation)

A values and ethics framework for CFN (Nuala Kenny, Patricia Rodney)

Health strategic clinical network for Alberta seniors (Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, University of Calgary)

National physician survey on palliative medicine workforce (Susan MacDonald, Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians)

Knowledge translation in acute care (Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, University of Calgary)

Role of KT in mobilizing research to impact health policy and clinical practice (Sharon Baxter, Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association)