CFN appoints new Scientific Director

June 26, 2013

Dr. John Muscedere, Scientific DirectorThe Board of Directors of Canadian Frailty Network (CFN) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John Muscedere, MD, FRCPC as Scientific Director, effective August 1, 2013.

Dr. Muscedere is an intensivist at Kingston General Hospital (KGH), and Associate Professor in the Critical Care Program, Department of Medicine, in the School of Medicine at Queen’s University. He is Research Director of the Critical Care Program at Queen’s, and serves as the Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN) Critical Care Leader for the SouthEast LHIN. Dr. Muscedere is Co-Chair of the Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS) and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG) Knowledge Translation Committee.

Dr. Muscedere is an accomplished critical care researcher whose primary research interests include ventilator-associated pneumonia, clinical practice guidelines, quality improvement, knowledge translation and venous thromboembolism. He is currently leading the implementation of a Canadian Critical Care Knowledge Translation Network, aC3KTion Net, which seeks to improve the implementation of evidence informed best practices in critical care.

As an intensivist, he has first-hand knowledge of caring for the frail elderly, and and first-hand knowledge of CFN and its goals, having participated in the Network’s initial proposal for Network Centres of Excellence (NCE) funding, as well as serving as Chair of the CFN Knowledge Translation Committee in its first year.

We welcome Dr. Muscedere as Scientific Director as the Network enters its second year, and rolls out its Fellowship program and calls for new Knowledge Synthesis and Catalyst Grants.