CFN Investigators Sharon Kaasalainen and Tamara Sussman receive $950,000 in CIHR follow-on funding

March 14, 2019

CFN Principal Investigators Sharon Kaasalainen and Tamara Sussman and their team which includes Abigail Wickson-Griffiths, IFP 2013, have received $948,600 in CIHR Project Grant money to further fund their CFN research into the palliative care approach in long-term care, Implementing, Evaluating and Scaling Up the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long Term Care (SPA-LTC) Program in Canada. 

Kaasalainen says the CFN funded project “showed that ‘with the implementation of this program, we can improve advance care planning uptake and end-of-life communication for those in long-term care and their families, decrease hospital transfers at the end of life, and increase satisfaction of care for all stakeholders.’ There was a 55% reduction in the number of emergency department visits in the last year of life for residents who participated in the study.”

Click here to read more about their newly funded CIHR project.

Read More About the CFN Funded Work