Funding opportunity for undergraduate summer students

April 15, 2013

Canadian Frailty Network is offering funding for undergraduate summer students. 

Mentoring and development of highly qualified personnel (HQP) is an important component of CFN’s mandate, and our funding from the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program. The 2013 Summer Student Awards have been designed to provide students with an interdisciplinary summer experience, while developing their frames’ of reference for the multiple barriers and opportunities regarding care for an aging population.

Up to ten (10) Awards of $6,000 each will be available to fund student participation in this program from May 15 to August 31, 2013. For full details and applications, please check the Funding Opportunities section of the CFN website.

Applications are due by May 1, 2013, and funding decisions will be communicated to applicants and their supervisors and mentors the week of May 6.