NBHRF and CFN: a new $2 million partnership to address frailty

September 18, 2017

CFN has teamed up with the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) to form a $2 million, five-year partnership to substantially advance evidence and practice for the care of older adults living with frailty. The partnership will also impact training of highly qualified personnel from New Brunswick by providing funds to support fellows/summer students participating in CFN’s interdisciplinary training program.

The NBHRF was created in 2008 to provide leadership and support to build health research capacity, improve the health of those living in New Brunswick and advance the knowledge economy. With CFN and NBHRF having such highly complementary missions, this partnership provides an excellent opportunity to pursue research and knowledge translation in the area of frailty.

A focal point of CFN’s network model is to leverage provincial partnerships and maximize the impact of investments in their jurisdictions through scale and spread of innovations to benefit all Canadians. While activities with NBHRF will be New Brunswick-based, they provide a gateway to collaborations with other CFN investigators and member organizations across the country, and internationally, to increase overall impact.