A Town Hall on Frailty and Resilience in an Aging Alberta: CFN Cross Country Collaboration Tour

On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 together with the University of Calgary’s Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging and the Alberta Health Services Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) CFN held a half-day public town hall to explore frailty and resilience in an aging Alberta.
The event held at University of Calgary’s Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning featured keynote speakers and leading researchers, as well as voices from the community. With approximately 150 people in attendance, the goal of the event was to better understand how frailty impacts Alberta’s communities and ways that we all can contribute to resilience in aging, at both individual and population levels.
Keynote speakers included Dr. John Muscedere. CFN Scientific Director and CEO and Dr. James Silvius, Senior Medical Director, Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network.

A panel comprised of older adults and caregivers shared diverse perspectives on aging in their communities. Read more about the panelists here.
CFN Investigators Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, Kirsten Fiest and Jessica Simon discussed the current state of knowledge on frailty and resilience within the Alberta context.

Click here to see the full program.