2017 Knowledge Translation Competition for CFN Network Investigators

This Knowledge Translation (KT) competition was designed to advance previously funded CFN research evidence into practice, thereby ultimately strengthening Canada’s health and social care systems and improving care of Canadians living with frailty.

Projects Funded

For more details on any of the projects, please click on the project names below:

More-2-Eat Phase 2: spread and scaling up of improved nutrition care processes to detect and treat malnutrition for older adults in hospital. Principal Investigator: Heather Keller, University of Waterloo (KT2017-01)

A suite of tools to support decision-making with older hospitalized patients who are frail and seriously ill.  Principal Investigator: John You, McMaster University (KT2017-04)

Using an automated mortality prediction tool to focus advance care planning efforts for older inpatients who are frail. Principal Invesigator: James Downar, University Health Network (KT2017-10)

Improving ICU-to-Ward Transfers of Care: Evaluation of a KT Tool Kit and ICU Transfer Tool — Principal Investigators: Henry (Tom) Stelfox, University of Calgary & Sean Bagshaw, University of Alberta (KT2017-15)

About the competition

This KT competition was only open to CFN investigators seeking to build upon previously funded CFN research. Submitted KT proposals were required to expand upon end-of-grant KT activities previously identified in the CFN funded research project and could not overlap the end-of-grant KT activities already identified in the previously funded CFN project. Applicants could request funding for implementation projects that include partnerships and collaborations aligning with CFN’s knowledge translation priorities.

The Knowledge Translation Grant Program funds projects with multidisciplinary, multi-institutional teams for up to 16 months, at a maximum budget of $100,000. All proposals required partners who have committed cash and/or eligible in-kind contributions from NCE-eligible partners on a 1:1 basis, at a minimum.

Only those projects that submitted an Intent to Apply were eligible to later submit for consideration a full application package. The Intent to Apply deadline was Monday July 24, 2017 at 5 pm ET. The full application package deadline was Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 5 pm ET.

The full Application Package consisted of:

  1. Project Team Information (Excel document to be uploaded onto Forum)
  2. Application Form (must be completed online using Forum)
  3. Partner Letter(s) (PDF document to be uploaded onto Forum)
  4. Principal Investigator CV(s) (CCCV to be uploaded onto Forum)
  5. CV(s)/Resume(s) for Other Project Team Member(s) (CCV or PDF documents to be uploaded onto Forum)
  6. Budget – for each Principal Investigator (completed Excel document to be uploaded onto Forum)
  7. Required Signatures – for each Principal Investigator (PDF document to be uploaded onto Forum)