After Activity: Sleep

After being physically active, it is important to recover and recharge our body systems. Sleep is critical for restoring energy. However, changes in our sleep patterns begin around the age of 50 and continue as we age.
As we get older our sleep changes:
- Earlier bedtimes and earlier rise times
- Takes a longer time to fall asleep
- Shorter overall sleep duration
- Increased time spent awake throughout the night

5 tips to sleep better:
- Stay active, eat well, and get sunlight each day
- Go to bed and awaken at the same times each day
- Keep your room quiet, dark, and at a cool temperature
- Limit caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine intake close to bed time
- Speak to your health care provider about changes that worry you—e.g., snoring, moving, waking, bad dreams, etc.

Canadian Sleep Society
Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network
Materials for Patients and the Public
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
National Sleep Foundation
Ontario Telemedicine Network
Practical Apps’ Review of Insomnia Apps
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Pzizz (also available as an app)
Pzillow Talk: The Official Blog of Pzizz
Articles about Sleep and Insomnia
Exercise More for Better Sleep
Thought Blocking for Getting to Sleep
Choosing Wisely Canada
How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep Without Medication Guide
Yoga as You Age: The Benefits of Relaxation and Exercise in Treating Insomnia and Anxiety
Insomnia and Anxiety in Older People: Sleeping Pills are Usually Not the Best Solution
Sleeping Pills and Anti-Anxiety Medication: You May Be at Risk Guide
Less Sedatives for Your Older Adult Relatives: A Toolkit for Reducing Inappropriate Use of Benzodiazepines and Sedative-Hypnotics Among Older Adults in Hospitals (for healthcare professionals in hospitals)
Drowsy Without Feeling Lousy: A Toolkit for Reducing Inappropriate Use of Benzodiazepines and Sedative-Hypnotics Among Older Adults in Primary Care (for primary care health professionals)
My Sleepwell
Recommended Reading
Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network. (2016). Knowledge mobilization: Materials for patients and the public. [Website]. Retrieved from
Hirshkowitz, M., Whiton, K., Albert, S. M., Alessi, C., Bruni, O., DonCarlos, L., Hazen, N., Herman, J., Katz, E. S., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Neubauer, D. N., O’Donnell, A. E., Ohayon, M., Peever, J., Rawding, R., Sachdeva, R. C., Setters, B., Vitiello, M. V., Ware, J. C., & Adams Hillard, P. J. (2015). National Sleep Foundation’s sleep time duration recommendations: Methodology and results summary. Sleep Health, 1(1), 40-43. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2014.12.010
Kredlow, M. A., Capozzoli, M. C., Hearon, B. A., Calkins, A. W., & Otto, M. W. (2015). The effects of physical activity on sleep: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 38(3), 427-449. doi: 10.1007/s10865-015-9617-6
Mander, B. A., Winer, J. R., & Walker, M. P. (2017). Sleep and human aging. Neuron, 94(1), 19-36. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.02.004
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Population Health. (2017). How much sleep do I need? [Website]. Retrieved from
These are general health guidelines and should not be considered personal medical advice. You should consult your health care provider and discuss each element outlined above to ensure that each element of the AVOID Frailty campaign is personally customized for you.