CJASN commends researchers for dialysis decision making study led by CFN Investigator Sean Bagshaw
Selection and Receipt of Kidney Replacement in Critically Ill Older Patients with AKI.
In a recently published editorial in the Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology, Dr. Sean Bagshaw and his team were “commended for their work to shed light on dialysis decision making in critically ill older adults, which is an extremely complex and dynamic process.” It was also emphasized that the “strengths of this study include a prospective design that relied on triangulation of information from the medical record, interviews with cohort members or their surrogate decision makers, and questions posed to the clinicians caring for them. This approach allowed for the collection of detailed information that is highly relevant to the care of older adults and rarely available in studies of this sort (e.g., residence, functional status, home support, frailty, and quality of life). Click here to read the full editorial.
Dr. Bagshaw’s OPTIMAL Selection for and Timing to Start Renal Replacement in Critically Ill Older Patients with Acute Kidney Injury (OPTIMAL-AKI) study was one of the first funded by the Canadian Frailty Network as a result of a 2012 Core Research award.
Read more about Sean’s CFN funded work